Backbone.Conduit Demo

The examples below demonstrate the same thing -- loading data into a Backbone Collection and then using it -- done three different ways. Choose the size of the data (from 5,000 items to 221,000 items) to load. Each example will load that data, then filter it, then sort it, and finally show a summary of the top 3 items.

For more details, see About The Demo. Have fun!

Basic Backbone.Collection Timing Table:

Basic Backbone.Collection

Simple But Slow

This shows loading the items into a standard Backbone.Collection instance.

Conduit.Collection Timing Table:


Drop-In Replacement, and Faster

This shows loading the items into a Conduit.QuickCollection. This collection class is optimized to create Backbone.Models more efficiently.

This results in faster model creation, but everything else is comparable to a regular Backbone.Collection.

Conduit.SparseCollection Timing Table:

Backbone.Conduit SparseCollection

More Complex, But Scalable

This shows loading the items into a Conduit.SparseCollection. This collection manages the raw data in a web worker, allowing the main thread to only prepare Backbone.Models as needed.

This fundamentally changes the data access pattern, however, making the code more complex. But it scales extremely well, allowing your application to handle as much data as you can feed it.