
You Want More Data in Your Backbone

We hear you. Backbone is intentionally a small-scale, event-driven Model-View framework; this is one of its greatest attributes. However there are some use cases where you need larger data sets. Event-driven frameworks need special handling to perform well in these scenarios.

Backbone.Conduit is a Backbone plugin that improves the ability to handle large scale data sets.

Why Use It

As web applications grow more complex, their data requirements tend to increase as well. Scaling to larger data sizes typically falls on the server-side code to handle in the form of paging data as well as complex sorting, filtering, and mapping. However scaling on the server is not always the easier path. There are some use cases where shipping all the data to the client and letting it figure things out is a more efficient use of resources.

Backbone.Conduit provides two different Collections you may use:

  • QuickCollection provides a Collection that accepts new models ~ 40% faster than the base Backbone.Collection. Use it in situations where you expect to have more than a few hundred of items, up to several thousands.
  • SparseCollection provides a Collection that manages all data on a different thread. This allows for heavy data processing client-side and can scale to hundreds of thousands of items. It requires more care to load & manage the data, but is very scalable and performant.

Our Goal

The data layer of Backbone -- the Backbone.Collection and Backbone.Model -- is a simple, well-understood abstraction on top of a REST-ful server interface. Backbone.Conduit's goal is to extend the existing Backbone functionality in ways that allow it to handle more data.

Any scalable solution must be careful to not perform unnecessary work. The core components of Backbone.Conduit have made some choices about what work is unnecessary when dealing with large data sets. While Backbone is famously non-opinionated, Backbone.Conduit takes an opinion about how to best scale.


Backbone.Conduit requires:

  • BackboneJS version 1.0 or greater
  • All browsers that support Web Workers
  • All browsers that support Native Promises. If you must support IE 10/11, you can initialize a Promise.polyfill prior to loading Backbone.Conduit.